November is National Adoption Month
November is here and it’s #NationalAdoptionMonth! In 2022 there have been 18 Pathway children who have found or are in the process of finding their FOREVER homes!!!
From Pathway Case Manager, Kate, “We have awesome families and stories of sibling groups adopted together this year and we are very grateful for all of these families who have opened their homes and seen these children not only through the adoption process but the foster care process and all that that entails. We know that is not always an easy or short road.”
Pathway offers a holistic approach that looks at the whole child and family. Services for ALL adoptive, kinship, and foster families to form lasting connections include:
• Family-Centered Support Groups
• Counseling for the Whole Family
• Family Empowerment teaches and guides parents in implementing parenting strategies that have proven effective in building trusting, healthy relationships. For any foster, adoptive, kinship, and families struggling to manage their children’s behavior.