The Path to Pathway: How a Child Comes Into Pathway’s Foster Care Program
Ever wondered how a child comes into Pathway’s care? Read on to learn more!

CPS Investigates
Child Protective Services (CPS) plays a crucial role in the process of a child coming into Pathway’s care. When a child is removed from their home due to abuse, neglect, or abandonment, CPS takes action to ensure the child’s safety and well-being. Once CPS determines that placement in a foster home is necessary, they reach out to Pathway through a call or email.
Pathway Gets a Call (or an email)
Pathway serves as a foster care agency that collaborates with County Children Services to provide safe and caring homes for foster children.
Foster Child is placed in a Safe and Caring Home
Each placement is carefully considered and intentional, with the aim of creating a nurturing environment for children in need. Pathway supports and guides foster parents throughout the process, ensuring they receive the necessary training and licensing to open their homes to these children.
Foster Child Thrives
You allow foster parents to greet tough situations with understanding and patience and give children a stable foundation as they address the chaos of their lives
Interested in Becoming a Foster Parent
Want to make a difference in the lives of children from hard places?
The first step is to reach out!
We walk you through all the basic foster care requirements and necessary background checks to be a foster parent. You can inquire about fostering with Pathway and our Recruitment Manager will reach out.
NEXT: Complete Pre-Service Training
Through our Foster Care Pre-Service Training, you will develop skills and tools as you begin to learn and understand how foster children have been affected by their troubled backgrounds.
Complete Your Home Study
The home study is all about getting to know the environment a foster child will be welcomed into and if they will be the right fit for your home.
THEN…Welcome a Foster Child into YOUR Home!
We want children to thrive in your homes- we also want our families to use the skills and gifts that are unique to them.
24/7 Support & Ongoing Training
You are provided all the foster care support and skills to grow in your role as a foster parent. Case Managers support your family 24/7 and are trusted adults in the foster child’s life.
We are here to answer your questions about foster parenting. Call 330-818-0444 or email [email protected] TODAY for more information!