We Need More Aqueelah’s!

  • February 17th, 2022
  • By Pathway Caring for Children

Josie, a tiny 18-month-old arrived at Aqueelah Jordan’s home carrying paralyzing social anxiety with her. This little girl had been neglected and given no chance at forming healthy attachment reactions. She would cry uncontrollably at just a knock on the door. Aqueelah knows this is her “trauma talking.”

Aqueelah shared, “When you think about your own reactions to stress, think about these kids who have an extra layer of trauma. This always helps you refocus and take a moment to think through what these children need.”

One afternoon in the boxed mac & cheese aisle Aqueelah was carrying Josie on her hip as a woman from the neighborhood approached. This woman presumptuously stated, “Oh you are babysitting, that is so nice!” Having different skin tones from the children she welcomed into her home was never an issue to address in Aqueelah’s mind. Her mind swirling and stunned at not anticipating this type of public response, Aqueelah’s chest became tight, and her cheeks grew warm. Josie was already due for her nap… a meltdown was inevitable. But instead, what could have ended in tears, ended in a powerful bonding experience. Josie clung tighter to Aqueelah and began patting Aqueelah’s back. Josie was caring for Aqueelah’s emotional needs. Josie knew she was loved and had found comfort in Aqueelah’s arms.

Aqueelah reflected, “By fostering I thought I will help these kids. But no- they are amazing! When they smile and laugh it reminds you of the blessing they are to the world. Each night you put them to bed and know they are safe, it is all the more worthwhile.”

Aqueelah Jordan is a true testament to digging in and loving kids where they are at.

YOUR dedication has encouraged foster families like Aqueelah to be determined, creative, nurturing, and to show the children in their homes unwavering stability.


There is an urgent NEED for therapeutic foster families willing to care for older teens, children with medical issues, and larger sibling groups.

As a therapeutically licensed home, it will take patience, resilience, creativity, flexibility, humor, and love. There is so much room for healing. You will be that soft landing spot as children begin to pick up the pieces of their lives. We can’t wait to hear how YOU want to make a difference!

Contact our Recruitment Director, Patricia Lott: [email protected] or 330-818-0444
