What are kids saying about Pathway?
Pathway children feel heard because of YOUR commitment! When asked about what they have learned or gained by coming to counseling, here is what Pathway children and teens had to share.
“I love you all. No one other than my parents has ever helped me like you all.”
“I love Pathway because it is positive, and someone is always there to talk to me.”
“I like that when I am angry I can come to my therapist and calm down.”
“I enjoy having someone to talk to about things happening in my life, having someone to play games with, create art with out of all the great art supplies. And being heard.”
“I have someone who listens without judgment and helps to make me feel like I’m not alone in my problems.”
“I like the snacks we get!”
“I like that we can play games while we talk about feelings.”
“It’s a safe space.”
“I feel a lot less shameful and the sessions have helped me with calming myself down when I am feeling severe emotions.”
“Counseling has helped me be able to see different perspectives to situations.”
I like that Pathway is more open.”
YOUR support reaches far beyond the walls of an office! YOU provide children the help they need to feel heard, to be resilient, and to have hope!